Pedro R. Moya-Maleno

Arqueología y Etnografía


✓ Currículum Vitae (Profile)



PhD Pedro R. Moya-Maleno [= Pedro Reyes Moya Maleno]

Spain, 1979. PhD History ‘Doctor Europaeus Mention’ at Complutense University of Madrid, speciality in Ethnoarchaeology and Long Term Processes in order to Protohistory and Celtic Iberia. He is leader of different research groups (‘Entorno Jamila’ (2004-..., Chief Researcher), 'Santa Catalina' (2013-..., Chief Researcher), ‘Ager Laminitanus’ (2015-..., co-Director) and member in others. Also has papers in reviews and congresses in Spain and Europe related to his main research strands:

  • Ethnoarchaeology and Longue Dureé Process in European Iron Age and Celtic Iberia.
  • Calcolithic to Roman Age in the SouthMeseta in Spain, especially in South Meseta and Upper Andalusia.
  • Landscape and (pre)historical paths
  • Preindustrial technology (i.e.: whetstones).
  • Professional Archaeology.

I have been fellowship resercher in Belfast, Paris and Rome and I am Referee for other institutions.

I am interested in supervising as co-tutor PhD or member of the PhD viva related to my research lines. I am also open to tutoring practices at the Centro de Estudios del Campo de Montiel (Spain) and other research centers.

After working as Heritage assistant, both for persons and companies as for academic institutions, currently I am assistant professor (ES=Profesor Ayudante Doctor) at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), in the Prehistory Area of the Faculty of Geography and History (2022-...).

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